• Day 73 Wrap up. Another sample app, review, and challenge completed.

  • We subclassed MKPointAnnotation to make it Codable in order to store map pins. We (very easily) encrypted the data and made it readable after authenticating with FaceID. This was Day 72 of #100DaysOfSwiftUI

  • Today’s lesson involved downloading neaby places from Wikipedia and included a quick review of URLSession.shared.dataTask and implementing Codable and Comparable.

  • Day 70. More MapKit.

  • Day 69 - the MapKit stuff is familiar to me but now I know how to create a coordinator for it to work in SwiftUI. I was surprised how easy it was to implement basic TouchID / FaceID authentication. Dissapointed every app doesn’t use this.

  • Day 68 was an easy one. Writing data to the documents directory and reading it back (same as in Swift). Plus using an enum to control the placement of views to keep ContentView simple.

  • Day 67, review. I took a break of about a week because Advent of Code 2019 started and I was excited. I decided to try it in Swift this year to challenge myself. Turns out the language isn’t the challenge - they are tough problems in any language.

  • Today we zipped through the material from the past few days, putting it all together into an app to apply filters to photos. Good to review the ImagePicker stuff we recently covered.

  • Day 64 introduced UIViewControllerRepresentable and its required componants including class Coordinator and func makeCoordinator() -> Coordinator {} This is the sort of thing that make me wonder if using SwiftUI is a net gain or loss in complexity.

  • Day 63 introduced UIViewControllerRepresentable as a way of wrapping an UIImagePickerController. This is important to me because it might allow me to begin using SwiftUI in existing projects where I rely on existing view controllers. Several of my apps use the camera to scan.

  • Back to the Core Data challenge and fighting to try to get an NSManagedObject to be Codable. Must be a simple mistake but I am not seeing it. I have a workaround in mind but it is smelly so I’d rather fix it right. Maybe tomorrow.

  • Learned how to use .actionSheet() and custom Binding<> today. It was a short lesson which was good because it allowed me to spend more time on the Day 60 challenge.

  • Busy night planned tonight so I spent time earlier working on yesterday’s challenge and will catch up tomorrow

  • The Day 60 challenge is a little longer than I have time for tonight but I got started. So far my app is downloading the json, decoding it into an array of Users, listing them on the screen in a NavigationView and showing some of the data on a detail view when a User is tapped.

  • I answered today’s quiz and challenges with no difficulty despite feeling like I hadn’t grasped all the CoreData material. I have one app where I store data as a json file (in the same format that I download it). Wondering if using CoreData there would be more efficient.

  • Day 58. NSPredicate and filtering @FetchRequest results. Also, simple entity relationships in Core Data. My battery was at 15% when this lesson was posted so I rushed through it and will review it more carefully in the morning when I have a charger handy.

  • Use Entity->CodeGen->Manual/None to create your own class manually. I’m a bit apprehensive about trusting context.mergePolicy and think I’d prefer to manage my data myself before saving. It’s not that I don’t trust CoreData, it’s just that I know @AtomicBird personally.

  • Day 56 of 100 Days of SwiftUI. Paul requested that we add a date and “format that nicely somewhere.” To me, that means including an ordinal and I was surprised that Swift didn’t support them. Used NumberFormatterStyle.ordinal.

  • Another sample app done: Bookworm. This one used Core Data including inserting, deleting, and sorting results with a @FetchRequest. I’m guessing predicates will come later. Wondering how well Core Data works server-side.

  • Day 54 has us using core data more. Also, using emoji to represent ratings which I sort of did in my Blush Perks app for dressbarn. But I didn’t create a reusable view. Glad for the into to FetchRequest but really hoping to see more. I like SQL and need some convincing.

  • Oh L’amour. AnyView type erasure would have helped me on one of the earlier projects but I’m glad to know about it now. Core Data isn’t new to me but I haven’t used it with Swift yet.

  • Oops. I accidentally did days 51 and 52 yesterday leaving no new content to work on today. I spent my hour installing Kitura (server-side swift) and working on an api for the backend of the CupcakeCorner app.

  • Completed the Day 51 challenges after reading about (and implementing) manual conformance to Codable (required due to @Published properties). Also added URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) which I was familiar with.

  • I’m impressed with how easy it is to share data between multiple views. No closures, no delegates. Just a single shared data class. The UI in today’s lesson and the networking code in tomorow’s lesson will fit right in to one of my Inventory apps. but I cannot require iOS13 yet.

  • New project today, this time with networking. Most of the material so far is basic swift stuff, but new to my SwiftUI vocabulary were .onAppear(perform:)and the .disabled() modifier for forms.

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